In The End

Would you like to make better decisions?  If you are anything like me I am sure you would love to make better, wiser decisions more often.  This is such a key area for us to live happier, healthier, more productive lives.  What if I told you it was actually very simple?

In my last post, What Do You Want, I invited you to join me in an exercise to dream and visualize what you really want in life.  I would like to help you take that a step further so you can use that focus and clarity to help guide all of your decisions in life.  Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change addresses a key concept we can use and leverage to our advantage.  His second habit he identified is “Begin With The End In Mind”.

Look forward to the end of your life.  What is it that you truly want to have accomplished and experienced?  How do you want to be remembered?  Use the What Do You Want exercise to help bring more clarity and focus to your life.  Once you have worked through this and identified what you truly want in your life you will gain great clarity in your decision making.  You can simply weigh every decision and every opportunity against a simple question, “Does this bring me closer to or further from my goals?”

There are so many good things we can do with our time, but they are not necessarily wise.  All of us only have a finite amount of time that we get to work towards and accomplish our life’s purpose.  The world wants to distract us and get us to spend our time doing things that are not what we were truly designed to accomplish.  I had to ask myself several questions about how I wanted my life to be spent.

The number one thing I had to realize is that life is temporary.  I know at a surface level we all “know” this, but have you really thought about this?  What is going to happen when you leave this earth?  Do you know where/how you will spend eternity?  If you do not have 100% certainty to this answer I am compelled to share with you that there is a God who loves you and He gave his only son to die for your sins.  If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ I invite you to message me and I would love to talk with you about the single most important decision you can ever make in your life.  Do not let another day pass without getting this question answered.  This is the single most important decision I have ever made and it is the foundation for every other decision in my life.


If you have the question of eternity answered for your life you still have to look at how you are going to spend the time you have been blessed with here on earth.  I have heard it said that,

Life is God’s gift to us.  What we do with our life is our gift back to God.

What were you created to do?  Who are the people in your life you are supposed to invest your time into?  If you are a parent are you investing more time into your children than others?  It is so easy to get caught up doing “good things” that they distract us from something greater.


When I really began to consider this question I realized that I was investing a lot of my time into something I enjoyed, coaching, but it was going to come with a price tag.  That price was going to be I would never have enough to time to invest in our future children the way I wanted to because of limited finances and long work hours.  This is not the same decision everyone will arrive at, but I realized I needed to step away from coaching for a season so I could build a residual income business that would give us all the time we could ever dream of later.  That was a hard decision to make at the time because I love coaching, but I love my family more.  Two years later that has proven to be one of the wisest decisions I ever made.

What do you really want in life?  What is truly most important to you?  Are you basing all of your decisions against the question, “Will this bring me closer to or further from my goals?”  If not, why not?

Question:  What is one decision you have been making that you could change in order to move closer to what you truly want?  Comment below

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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