Men’s Leadership Replay

Last night’s Men’s Leadership Call was powerful.  This is the most significant contribution I have made for our culture and society to date.  You and any man you know will be blessed if you listen to the replay.  Please pass this along and share with other men you know WHY they need to listen to this.

If the replay number gets recorded over you will permanently be able to access the recording by clicking here:

An Invitation For Men

We live in a world that constantly dulls us and beats us down.  We receive so much resistance in so many areas.  The way of this world is to be mediocre and average.  As men we are called to be so much more and to do so much more.  We were created by our Heavenly Father who loves us and has such great plans for us.  One of the most important lessons I have learned is I must surround myself with other champion men who challenge me and sharpen me.  We all raise or fall to the level of our friends we associate ourselves with.

A Fine Reputation

I have shared before about the power of words.  As I continue to grow in my leadership I continue to become more aware of a leader’s responsibility to always speak words of life over people.  I recently just finished listening to How to Win Friends & Influence People on Audible.  This book is a MUST READ if you want to find more success and happiness.  The book is full of simple actionable wisdom that will help you accomplish exactly what the title describes.  One of the many take aways/reminders I have after listening to it is point number 7 in the Be A Leader Chapter, Give The Other Person A Fine Reputation To Live Up To.  This reminded me of a quick story from a few years ago.

What Should I Read?

In my last two posts, I Don’t Like To Read & What Are You Feeding Your Mind, I shared some thoughts and insights into the important of reading.  As a follow up I figured I would share some of my favorite books in the following categories: Faith, Parenting, Personal Development, Finances, Leadership, & Business.  There are several other great books in all of these areas.  In fact I would love to hear from you about your favorite books in any or all of these areas.  I know of several other great books that have been recommended to me by friends and mentors who I trusts.  I only wanted to recommend and endorse books I have personally read and received tremendous value from.

I Don’t Like To Read

Have you ever said or thought, “I don’t like to read”?  I know I have.  I thought that and repeated it often for years and years.  I did not start that way.  As a young boy I used to enjoy reading and going to the library with my mom or grandma, but somewhere along the way that changed.  As I went further and further into my schooling and education I lost my enthusiasm for reading.  By the time I graduated college I declared, “I will never read another book again.”  Can you relate to this at all?

You Are Right

We live in a day and age where everyone has very strong opinions about politics, religion, finances, parenting, etc.  If you ever turn on the TV or check your social media you can hardly escape it.  There are “talk shows” where the left argues with the right and the right argues with the left.  As time has gone on I have become more and more aware of something that is happening as a result of all of this arguing – nothing improves.

Why I Blog

“Why do you blog?”  I have received this question several times so I though the best way I could answer it was by writing a blog post.  I had been encouraged by others to blog several different times over the past two years and had been very reluctant.  My first objection was I didn’t think I had anything to say.  Then as I gained more confidence I actually had a message to share I was not sure if blogging would be a wise use of my time.  Then I read Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World by Michael Hyatt.  If you are even remotely interested in blogging you MUST read this book first.

Should We Raise Minimum Wage?

I have noticed some debates going on recently regarding minimum wage and potential consequences both good and bad if the minimum wage was increased.  I have my thoughts about this issue, but that is not what I want to discuss here.  A truth I learned several years ago from Andy Andrews is the quality of our answers is determined by the quality of our questions.  What if the question, “Should minimum wage be increased?” is the entirely wrong question to be asking?  What if we could ask a better question and help others to ask a better question that would remove the entire need to debate this issue at all?