Are You Distracted?

Everyone has his or her formula for success.  I do not believe mine is revolutionary or ground breaking.  In fact it may be too simplistic.  It has been my observation that being successful in any endeavor can be broken into three simple steps:

5 Reasons To Be An Entrepreneur

Have you ever thought about being an entrepreneur and starting your own business?  I know before I finally made the decision to start my own business it was a thought I would have from time to time, but for one reason or another I would always find reasons why I could not.  I am sure if we all got together we could come up with a list of 100 reasons why you should not become an entrepreneur.  I am sure each reason would have some validity to it.  What I would like to do is offer five reasons WHY you should consider starting your own business.

In The End

Would you like to make better decisions?  If you are anything like me I am sure you would love to make better, wiser decisions more often.  This is such a key area for us to live happier, healthier, more productive lives.  What if I told you it was actually very simple?