Thank A Veteran

Happy Veteran’s Day!  One important perspective we all must have on a continual basis is we have so much to be thankful for.  In our country we are blessed beyond measure.  God has blessed America with abundance and freedom.  There are several reasons for us to be thankful.  One of the most important things we must constantly be thankful for are our service men and women who fight to protect our freedoms on a daily basis.

Freedom is not a right.  It is a responsibility and a select few have such an ingrained appreciation and sense of responsibility they volunteer to fight for and protect our freedoms.  Our military make so many sacrifices on a daily basis.  They put themselves in harm’s way and risk their lives.  They make countless sacrifices with time away from their family and loved ones.  Every time you get to take your child to a youth sports event, worship at church, or vote in a public election remember it is because of the sacrifices of America’s heroes.


Being grateful is an active decision.  When we intentionally list and reflect upon What We Are Grateful For it causes a ripple effect of positivity in our lives.  Today on Veteran’s Day I encourage you to seek out ways to thank service men and women everywhere.  There are two simple acts EVERYONE OF US should do all of the time.  The first and simplest way to thank them is to intentionally stop them and personally thank them for what they do every day.  That is so simple, but is often times overlooked because we live in a culture that does not value honoring others.  The second thing we should all do is pray for them.  Pray for their safety and their families who sacrifice long times apart.


There are so many other things we should do in addition to those two simple acts.  Could you pick up their tab at a restaurant and buy them a meal?  Could you do a volunteering project to serve combat wounded veterans?  Could you financially support a great association like Operation Home Front or the Wounded Warrior Project?  There are no limits to the ways we express our gratitude and no one way is better than another.  What is important is we must constantly thank those who make our lifestyle and freedom possible in this great nation.

One last thought.  Veteran’s Day is one of the most important holidays we celebrate in this great country.  Do not let this decision for active gratitude only happen once a year.  Our military do so much all of the time they deserve to be randomly and constantly thanked EVERY DAY.  How much better of a place would our country be if we showed all service men and women continual appreciation for their service year round?  If you either currently or previously served in any branch of our military, thank you.  My wife, son, and I are truly grateful for everything you do.  We love you, we pray for you daily, and we are truly grateful for everything you do.  You are true heroes.


Question: What is one thing you could do to thank a veteran today?  Comment below

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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